Index for words including 趟


Journey, Trip, Mission, Excursion, Time, Occasion, Era, MW For Trips Or Missions Or Journeys

Word Links for words containing 趟 (sorted via character pairs)

趟 tangˋ
Journey, Trip, Mission, Excursion, Time, Occasion, Era, MW For Trips Or Missions Or Journeys

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


頭幾趟艙外行動 First few EVA's, First few Extra Vehicular Excursions


四趟 4 journeys, 4 trips

四趟無人任務 4 unmanned missions


幾趟 First few trips, First few excursions


一趟 A trip, A ride, A journey

你該去一趟 I think you should go there, I think you should take a trip

每個小時都要跑一趟 Runs every hour

大約每個小時都要跑一趟 Runs every hour or so

走這一趟的麻煩 The difficulty of the trip

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