Index for words including 瘋


Mad, Insane, Wild

Word Links for words containing 瘋 (sorted via character pairs)

瘋 feng¯
Mad, Insane, Wild

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


瘋子 Maniac, Crazy, Mad, Psychotic

一群瘋子 Group of maniacs, Crazy people

有些瘋子 Some maniacs

戴大禮帽的美麗瘋子 Beautiful tophat wearing lunatic

瘋子胡言亂語 Ravings of a lunatic


瘋狂 Crazy, Mad, Went wild

為之瘋狂 Go crazy for, Went wild for

瘋狂 Feverishly, Frantically

瘋狂 Crazy, Batty, Mad

瘋狂理論 Crazy theory, Deranged theory, Deranged theories

瘋狂的想法 Crazy idea

忽然有個瘋狂的想法 Suddenly had a crazy idea


發瘋 Go crazy


抽瘋 Spasm, Cramp, Behave badly

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